Part 2-B: Causes and Effects Of Demon Possession -- Continued

Attention: J. F. Cogan
Box 2211 -- Harrisburg, PA 17105 USA

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Continued from Part 2-A: Causes And Effects Of Demon Possession

9. Demons and Criminal Behavior
The most infamous serial killer of all time is Ted Bundy. According to his own words, Bundy believed his descent into the horrible pit of sexual assault and murder was driven by an alien evil force and fueled by an addiction to violent obscenity. What makes Bundy's case of immense interest to researchers is an execution-eve interview conducted by Dr. James Dobson, president of Focus on the Family. This videotaped interview took place Monday, January 23, 1989, 2:30 P.M. EST, at the State Penitentiary in Starke, Florida. Bundy called Dobson and offered the interview with the understanding that it would be used to warn the public of how his horrible downfall actually took place.

Portions of this 30-minute interview have been transcribed for this book: "Ted Bundy Interview Transcript," Copyright (C) 1989, Focus on the Family, Colorado Springs, CO 80995. All rights reserved. Used by permission.

There are several important points made during the interview. These points are listed below and are reinforced with direct Bundy quotes taken from the transcript of the interview in the linked resource. The subheadings and comments are by the author.

Point 1: Bundy Was Not Born A Monster. He Began Life As A Normal Person.

Point 2: Bundy Was Eventually Driven By An Evil Supernatural Force
Although he never named this force as demon possession, his descriptions of it and the obvious results point to a classic case of intermittent (time-sharing) demon possession. The symptoms of violence, lust, and an unnatural power of persuasion are clearly evident.

Point 3: Obscenity Is Progressively Addictive

Point 4: There Is A Cause-and-Effect Relationship Between Using Obscenity and Criminal Sexual Behavior

Point 5: Bundy Recognized His Need to Be Accountable to Society and God For His Behavior

* * * * *

Regarding Point 2 above, Ted Bundy was featured in a February 1996 A & E cable broadcast of the program Biography moderated by Jack Perkins. The program said this about an outside force which contributed to Bundy's crimes:

"He would feel that he heard a voice. Now again, he would never admit that he "heard voices," because he knew that was insane. But, he would describe someone as "another Ted" . This other Ted would start talking to him in this growling voice and point out that this woman thinks you could never have her. 'Look at her walking by. What is she thinking about you ...' And work him up into this hatred where then he would start this process of stalking ..."

* * * * *
Investigative reporters, psychologists, criminologists, and sociologists from all over the country are trying to discover the cause behind the rising number of sex crimes and murders. Some of these seekers for truth get rather close to the heart of the matter-- that intermittent demon possession is the cause. This is especially true of such TV tabloids as "American Journal", "Limited Edition", "Current Affair", and even network standards like "20/20", "60 Minutes", "48 Hours", "Prime Time Live", "Dateline NBC", and "Turning Point". At one time or another, all of these programs have skated around the edges of what is obvious to anyone who can recognize the symptoms of demon possession: demons cause violent criminal behavior in what may otherwise be normal people.

10. Sex Crimes Against Children
Few Americans have the slightest inkling of what has caused the current epidemic of child molestation and even fewer have any idea of how to combat it. This next section is of critical interest to everyone involved with the criminal justice system, everyone involved with the vast network of human services providers, and everyone who is a parent or guardian of a minor child. The fact is, humans who have been infected by demons are fully capable of sexually molesting children in ways which are sick beyond belief. One eloquent proof of this fact is the flood of child pornography which is available in every major city in the nation. The Supreme Court has determined that child pornography is not protected by the First Amendment. That one fact alone is indication of the depths of depravity to which demons can drive adults in their sexual activities with children. Since demon possession is not likely to be detected by persons who are not trained and sensitized to the presence of demons, any victim of demon possession can be the perpetrator of sex crimes against children. This is not limited to dirty old men in long raincoats, either. This involves both men and women who have easy access to young children and who are in positions of authority over them. The group of possible suspects does not exclude such stalwarts of the community as teachers (especially in the preschool and early childhood education category), scout leaders, medical practitioners, ministers, priests, rabbis, baby sitters, and, sadly, parents and other close relatives.

The worst kind of child molester is the pedophile. Such a person makes sexual involvement with children a compulsive way of life. Photography plays a large role in the activities of the pedophile. Pictures are taken of children in sexual situations whom they have molested. These pictures are treasured, exchanged with other pedophiles, and often find their way into super-slick child pornography publications. Unfortunately, the Internet and the popular on-line services are being used to facilitate the spread of this plague against children.

The North American Man-Boy Love Association (NAMBLA) is an organization dedicated to the normalization and legalization of this kind of perversion. Where NAMBLA (pronounced "NAM-bluh") is active, there is a strong chance that illegal child pornography is being produced, bought, sold, and exchanged close by. NAMBLA members have been reported to traffic in illegal kiddie porn and obscenity while portraying a facade of sophisticated normalcy to the local community. Members are often esteemed professionals in the fields of medicine, education, or business and maintain positions of responsibility and authority in the community. NAMBLA's primary objective is to make it convenient and legal for men to have sex with boys.

The criminals in child molestation cases get pledges of silence from their victims through threats of violence. Since the perpetrators of sex crimes against children often work regularly with young children and hold positions of authority over them, it is relatively easy for an adult to psychologically abuse, as well as sexually abuse, these young victims. Children are told, "If you tell, you'll die," or "your parents will die", or "your house will burn down". After the horrors of sexual abuse, it's fairly easy for a small child to accept the possibility of horrible violence as well.

If a child does complain, the suspect presents a super-slick facade of innocence which is enhanced by the prince of liars himself, Satan. Back in the Garden of Eden, Satan lied to our first ancestors, Adam and Eve, and he's been doing it ever since. Part of the payoff the demons give sex criminals is the ability to lie to a judge and jury with a straight face, and to do it with such conviction that who will believe the word of a young child against a teacher, or minister, or scout leader, or baby sitter, or even a parent? And this problem is exacerbated by the horrible sexual crimes forced upon innocent children. When a tiny child says he or she was subjected to oral sex, or anal sex, or vaginal sex, or masturbation, or much, much worse, who is going to believe that poor child against the demon-enhanced lying of the criminal?

One of the best weapons the advocates of child victims have is the very innocence of that child before the molestation occurred. It's true that many children do have vivid imaginations. Unfortunately, inept and heavy-handed investigators may contaminate the memory and imagination of young victims through excessive and insistent questioning. Although it's true that some children do have difficulty distinguishing between truth and falsehood, it is unlikely that children will create a fantasy or falsehood out of something they know nothing about. Unless such a victim has been previously molested, or has been exposed to obscenity, or observed adult sexual activity, this child has nothing with which to fabricate a fantasy or falsehood involving extreme illicit sexual behavior.

11. Repressed Childhood Memories of Sexual Molestation.
Many adults are coming forward and claiming they were molested as children but that the memories of these experiences have been repressed all these years. As a result, parents, grandparents, ministers and teachers are being charged in court with child molestation and/or incest. Who is telling the truth is such cases?

Consider what we already know about sex criminals and the work of demons:

1. Demons give criminals the ability to lie with great conviction.

2. Sex criminals threaten their young victims with violence and even death if the truth is ever told.

3. Effective hypnotism may be successful because of demonic powers.

From this knowledge, we can draw these conclusions:

A. Guilty people can lie convincingly in the face of their accusers and even a jury.

B. When hypnotherapy is used to release the memories of a supposed victim of childhood abuse, a demon may have gotten involved in the process, even unknown by the therapist. The demon may be planting false memories in the mind of the client and then chortling with glee at the consternation which is being caused in the lives of the accuser and the accused.

What can be done if an adult suspects childhood abuse? Consider these alternatives:

1. Do nothing if there is no evidence that the bad behavior of the adult has continued over the years. Perhaps the suspect was under demonic influence at the time you were victimized but has been living a clean life for many years. Find it in your heart to forgive the person who has wronged you and then get on with your life.

2. If you need psychological help, seek a qualified therapist who understands spiritual warfare and deliverance from demon possession.

3. Avoid any therapist who wants to use hypnosis as a means of helping you remember the details of your now forgotten abuse. Remember that hypnosis may invoke demonic involvement in the process.

4. Consider criminal charges if there is evidence that children are still being physically or psychologically injured by this person.

12. Suicide
Human service workers across the country are alarmed at the rapidly-rising rate of suicide among teenagers. Some experts feel that suicide is now the number one cause of death among people in this age group. How can this be? Part of the answer is directly related to demon possession. You already know some facts about demons which should be clues to the cause of this sky-rocketing rise in teen suicide. Demons are drawn to humans who are involved in illicit sex and/or who use drugs. The number of teenagers who are experimenting with illicit sex, drugs, or both is extremely high. That means that the demons are having a field day, zapping from teen to teen with implanted thoughts of self-destruction. I can just hear those demons now, whispering their diabolic rhetoric into the ears of our boys and girls: "Nobody really cares about you . . . "That fever and sore throat mean you probably already have AIDS . . . "Life has nothing to offer you anyway; why not step over and try it on the other side" . . . and on and on. A lot of these same kids are just an overdose away from death anyway, so taking the ultimate step is incredibly easy.

13. Rock Music
An extreme style of music, with its obvious overtones of demonic forces and drugs, acts as a powerful catalyst to draw kids into self-destruction. No discussion of demons would be complete without saying something about rock music. As a general rule, rock music does more damage to the ear drums than to the soul, but there are exceptions. If a person is already involved in one or more of the many practices which can draw demons, and if the rock music is performed by persons who are themselves involved with demons, yes; it can be a dangerous demonic catalyst.

However, Satan isn't wasting his time communicating with our young people through back-masking sinister subliminal messages of self-destruction.. The things Satan wants to say are already being said in plain English and in forward drive. You don't have to play the recording backward at all. Videos of harmful rock music must be included in this warning. Here is the most potent danger of all. When a young person who may be already tuned in to the occult sees a rock video performed and produced by an artist who is involved in the occult, a demonic bonding occurs which exceeds anything you may have experienced in your lifetime. The lawsuits against the musicians and producers of violence-oriented rock videos may be very close to the truth of the matter.

14. Spontaneous Human Combustion (SHC)
I've heard reports of persons bursting into flames for no apparent reason, and burning down into a scattering of ashes. In some cases, the heat is localized with the body, and in others, the immediate environment shows evidence of a high heat source. Investigators of SHC seem to be divided as to the cause. Some say the water in the body may divide into hydrogen and oxygen, which are flammable gases which can burst into flame. [What causes that separation?] Others say there is always an external ignition source, such as an electrical spark, which causes the fire.

As always, the first step is to determine if this is a supernatural event, above the laws of science. If it is supernatural, is it as a result of evil power or Holy power? In one case, I heard an interviewed expert say in a somber tone that he didn't want to think about the alternatives if there were no natural causes.

There may be scientific reasons for SHC which we are not able to understand at this time. However, if it is supernatural, I am convinced that God never burns people alive in this life. The Bible clearly teaches that post-death punishment will occur in hell. Even then, the body will not be consumed but will remain on fire forever. Therefore, if SHC is indeed supernatural, it is the work of Satan and his demons. There may be some deep, dark secret in the life an SHC victim which is unknown and unsuspected by family and close friends. The result, in these isolated cases: instant, total combustion and consumption.

15. As a Born-Again Christian, Am I Safe from Demon Possession?
The long answer is within the context of the description of the Solution to Demon Possession as outlined in Part 3. The short answer is YES, with certain qualifications: are you born again as described in John 3 and filled with the Holy Spirit as described in Acts 2? As long as you remain covered by the Blood of Jesus Christ, the context of the Bible -- taken as a whole -- says you are safe from becoming a causality in any spiritual warfare skirmish which may flare up between the forces of good and evil.

Part 3: The Solution To Demon Possession is next.

Attention: J. F. Cogan
Box 2211 -- Harrisburg, PA 17105 USA

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Table of Contents
Part 1-A: Defined and Explained
Part 1-B: Defined and Explained -- Continued
Part 2-A: Causes and Effects
Part 3: The Solution to Demon Possession
Appendix A: Glossary of Terms in Demon Handbook
Appendix B: Glossary of Evangelical Terms in General
Appendix C: Ted Bundy's Execution-Eve Interview
Appendix D: Summary of Bible Reference Links
A Special Message for Gays and Lesbians

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